We spent Thanksgiving at my grandmother's house with my mom's family. The first picture is my sweet Aunt Dale taking over my grandmother's kitchen and we are all glad that she did. It is hard work cooking that much food, especially for an 80 year old woman who weighs 80 pounds. We don't just have turkey at our family Thanksgiving, we have fried turkey, ham, roast, and every kind of side you can imagine. It is divine! Wenn tried everything I put on her plate and had two helpings of turkey which for a picky child was amazing. Uncle Buddy's fried turkey is the best and something we all look forward to every year. The girls both filled their tummies and then fell asleep on the way home. We all greatly enjoyed it and are so thankful for time with family. I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Fall has been a little crazy. The girls have enjoyed playing outside and jumping in the leaves. It is so fun to watch Wenn explain the ways of the world to Meg. She is such a great big sister and is so sweet. Wenn had the week of Thanksgiving off and so did Andy so they got to spend lots of father/daughter time together. They took a trip to the indian mounds, had some driving lessons, and went fishing at the ponds at the country club. It was really hard to go to work Monday through Wednesday knowing how much fun those two were having!
Finally, on Wenn's actual birthday Halloween, we had a family lunch at our house to celebrate. Nana and Papa gave Wenn some rollerskates and she could not wait to try them out. I am pretty sure it is going to be more of a workout for mom and dad then for Wenn since it is going to take quite a bit of practice to get these things figured out. After a long nap, we got the girls dressed and headed off to our neighborhood hayride and trick-or-treating. Meg realized very quickly that people were handing out candy so she was all about filling her bag up. Wenn told me that since she was 5 now, she could ride the hayride by herself. It was a little hard to let her but there were enough other moms to watch over her plus, Andy and I were walking behind with Meg so we were always close by. Both girls had a great Halloween. We ended the night at the Douglas house celebrating their daughter Darby's and Wenn's Halloween birthdays. Happy 5th Birthday Wenn - We Love You!
The weekend after Wenn's friend party Peggy took Wenn to Memphis to see Wicked. I got to go also and the show was fabulous! If you love Wizard of Oz then go see Wicked! We had brunch at the Peabody and got to see the ducks before making our way to the Orpheum. Thank you to Peggy and Charles Ed for such a special birthday present! I think I enjoyed it just as much as she did!
Oh October has been such a busy month the in the Sanders household. On the 16th we hosted Wenn's friend birthday party. It was a party for Wenn, Sally Beth and Anne Locke and the theme was Pajamas and Pancakes. We had 20 girls over in their pj's for pillow fights, pedicures and pancakes and it was a blast. I turned the living room into one huge palette and they had so much fun dancing, singing, jumping on the beds and being silly. We made sleep masks as our craft and for our game we made-up the dads which was hilarious. One little girl told her mom that "Mr. Andy was so pretty, he looked like a queen". It was so much fun and great to celebrate all three girls' birthdays together.