Sorry to be gone so long but I will try to catch everyone up. Wenn is back in school and is loving life in PK4. The week before school started they had mini cheer camp and she had a blast. They get to perform at Meet the Generals Tuesday night and she is so excited about cheering on the football field. I am praying that a random cold front moves through that day because it is miserable outside! Last Tuesday after registration we had all of the girls in the PK4 over to our house for lunch. It was so fun to start the school year off with all of the girls getting to know each other and I think it is something we will try to do every year. All but 1 showed up so the house was full with 15 girls and their moms and/or dads and I will try to post a group picture sometime soon. Meg is getting old enough to play with Wenn and they are so cute together. Have a good week!