Thursday, April 16, 2009

Insights of a 3 1/2 year old

Things have been fairly calm here at the Sanders household. Andy has actually been home every night this week which has meant some quality family time. We have discovered this week that Wenn is growing up way too fast. She has been full of insight and advice this week. She informed us that sometimes mommy is wrong and sometimes daddy is wrong and also she has realized that daddy doesn't always listen to mommy which is bad. It is amazing what they observe and how they translate it all in a way that only they can understand. They are always watching, learning and hanging onto every word you say. My favorite Wenn saying is when Andy does something he shouldn't, like tracking dirt in the house, I ask her "What are we going to do with Daddy?" and her response is always "We're just going to love him". It always makes me think of God and his constant love for us, no matter what we do. Oh, to be a child again!


Maggie and Nathan said...

"We're just going to love him"... That is too, too sweet! : )

Unknown said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!! my little wenn:) can't wait to see y'all next week!